Jul 7

Join us in August for a Walk/Bike/Places virtual event

Walk/Bike/Places is the premier conference in North America for walking, bicycling, and placemaking professionals from the public and private sectors. Produced by Project for Public Spaces, the event consists of  nearly 100 participant-led breakout sessions and locally-led workshops, as well as opportunities for experiential learning by walking and biking through the streets and other public spaces of the host city.

Due to COVID-19, this year Walk/Bike/Places will take place entirely online. The program will still feature a wide range of breakout sessions, as well as the more inventive session formats you have come to expect from Walk/Bike/Places. Along with reduced registration fees, we hope that this shift online will also allow us to reach an even broader audience.

Session Information:

Integrating Human Emotion and Cognition into Active Transportation Projects
August 7, 2020 | 1:30 pm-3:00 pm EDT | Register
Jessica will cover the growing movement to integrate behavioral science to effect mode shift towards walking and biking. She’ll discuss ongoing research, how to form functional teams with researchers and practitioners, and where the research agenda is heading. Mike will discuss how he is quantifying emotional response to make more informed decisions about design. This new platform and approach is starting to allow us to better correlate a user’s emotional response to safety issues, comfort, as well as predictive models. The ultimate goal will be to better justify qualitative design decisions through quantitative methodology.

Presenters: Jessica Roberts, Alta Planning + Design; Mike Sewell, Gresham Smith


Making Inspirational Projects Happen
August 6, 2020 | 3:00 pm–4:30 pm EDT | Register

How do successful projects go from planning to implementation? This session features three projects and highlights how establishing trust is a critical element for success. The Great Miami Riverway in southwest Ohio promotes travel, tourism, and economic development through an award-winning, multi-jurisdictional partnership of connected communities. Oakland’s anti-racist community outreach and partnership model, used successfully in the 2019 Bicycle Plan, is a trailblazing approach to public involvement. Indianapolis created the Great Places 2020 initiative, partnering with city-wide and neighborhood partners to transform 5 strategic places into walkable destinations, centers of culture, commerce and community.

Presenters: Jeff Knowles, Alta Planning + Design; Tedd Grain, Local Initiatives Support Coalition; Sarah Hippensteel Hall, Miami Conservancy District